Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hey all!

Recently, I've been noticing a lot of friends of mine taking to blogging, mainly fashion blogging, and I wanted to join the fun. But instead of taking on all fashion in general, I decided to spotlight something a little closer to my heart- shoes. Shoes have always been one of my favorite parts of an outfit, and I have been flitting around in my mother's (and my own!) heels since I could walk.

But who am I, exactly? Well, my name is Remy, and I'm a dancing, writing, over achieving suburban girl who has always dreamed of living in the city. I follow JakeandAmir religiously, I adore Chelsea Handler, Community is the most charming show on television, and I could survive on a diet of cheese and seltzer. Justin Timberlake, John Mayer, James Taylor, and the Black Eyed Peas are the best, and as are Jake Gyllenhaal, J.K. Rowling, and Tennessee Williams. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of dancing on Broadway; now, I dream of writing for the New Yorker.

Oh, and I love shoes.


  1. Aw yeah! Can't wait to see how your blog develops :) Nice first post!!!

  2. Hahaha the New Yorker... Koup would cry!

    Also, funny you made the same observation as me about fashion blogging popping up everywhere:

    (I also have a shoe post!)
