Monday, January 31, 2011

Jersey Boys

Yesterday, I went to go see Jersey Boys with my family at the Colonial Theater. It was a fun family outing, I finally got the chance to dress up after a few months of glamour deprivation, and the experience reminded me of why I always liked the arts more than sports.

So what did I think of the play itself? For one, the music was excellent. I love the Four Seasons, and the musical version was truly just as good. The actors definitely pulled off the whole vibe, and the man who played Frankie Valli could hit those notes just as well as the real person. We bought the CD, and I've been listening to it on repeat ever since.

Moving on from the music, let's talk about the play itself. To be honest, I didn't think it had the most incredible plot I've ever heard of, and though I understand it's a true story, I somewhat feel like it could have been made a bit more interesting.

That being said, the narration was really interesting- the play was split into the four seasons, and each season was narrated by a different group member. You got everyone's perspective clearly, and it was fun to get inside everyone's head, hear how they think and where they come from.

Additionally, the dialogue was impeccable. The humor ranged from pop culture references to jokes about each person and different city, making sure to pull a laugh from people of all ages and backgrounds. At the same time, the honesty of each person's narration was compelling and candid, giving you a real sense of the emotions behind everything. Plus, the transitions between scenes, as well as from dialogue to a musical number, was perfectly executed and left no room for boredom.

So congratulations to the entire cast and crew of Jersey Boys, and I would recommend for everyone to go out and see it if you get the opportunity. It's 100% worth it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union: Tweet Edition

While watching the State of the Union Address yesterday, I sort of went a little bit crazy tweeting (and retweeted) all of my reactions. I had so much to say, all of which I spit right out in 140 character lines, and since I wanted to do some sort of post about the Address, I decided it would be fun to do so through my tweet history. So here it is, an address through tweets.


watching/listening to the commentary on the SOTU seating arrangement situation is too funny.

to the obama PR team- stop tweeting for obama when we're watching him speak.

google and facebook? kay barack.

RT@NewYorker #SOTU live chat: Is [Boehner] clapping for anything?

looks like the theme tonight is american pride and stop outsourcing. i kinda like it, honestly. #stateoftheunion

obama: 1, airport security: 0

aaaaand here comes the obamacare talk we've all been waiting for! #stateoftheunion

aww, joke number two! way to joke about obamacare, obama!

the spattering of standing ovations makes them look like whack-a-mole #statoftheunion

whoa, from obamacare to deficit! conquering the biggies #SOTU

you can see them all pondering and doing the math in their head #sotu

@sconigman and [boehner's] skin color reminds me of the jersey shore right now

taking money from paris and britney and brangelina? i'm feeling it #SOTU

@sconigman i think [boehner's] having indigestion.

joke number three! looks like we have a stand-up comedian on our hands #SOTU

and here comes iraq! pans to the audience of military members and michelle's diamond earrings flash. #SOTU

focusing on what matters:

yay for START! #sotu

how did we go from "america above the world" to "save everyone else"? #sotu

whoever didn't applaud for the DADT plug should be punched in the face #sotu

almost a smile on boehner's face when obamsauce mentioned interparty fighting. i swear, i think i may have seen a flash of teeth #sotu

OPE! almost another smile! nice work, obaminator! #sotu

RT@NewYorker Steve Coll: That's The Onion Biden! Fist pump for Scranton. Out under the Camaro on a Saturday spraying the hose. #SOTU

RT@NewYorker Rebecca Mead: Forgive me, but I thought "Plan B" was the name of a contraceptive. Guess it wasn't trademarked. #SOTU

instead of applauding when obama finished, boehner straightened his outfit. #classymen #sotu

oooh, hilary's looking radiant in blue! #sotu

RT@StephenAtHome If Obama really believed the state of our union was strong, he would have proved it by karate chopping that podium in half.

mikulski comparing congressmen to noah's ark, i like it #sotu

the "tea party express"? nice description, bachmann. but you're still GOP #sotu


So, I clearly thought it was a good speech overall. Yes, Obama could have been much more specific, as it's not really kosher to say "We do big things" without any big ideas to back it up, and there were definitely some moments where he put his foot in his mouth. But it made everyone a little more optimistic that our government will unify and pull through, and you can't help but laugh at some of the Congressional antics.

Basically, Congress = High School + The Constitution

Monday, January 24, 2011

To Be Coveted

Given that I don't have unlimited monetary funds, I'm not one to spend lots of money on an item unless it's a special occasion, and even then I'm sure to remain well within a reasonable price range.

Though it's usually easy enough to work around hefty price tags, there are a few special pieces that I will always lust after until I someday win the lottery twice and am able to buy them.

1) Christian Louboutin Heels.

2) Tiffany's Diamond Ring.

3) Cartier Love Bracelet.

4) Chanel Bag.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What I'm Watching

I don't really watch much television, but I've recently been hit by some new shows and the return of old favorites. Though I've come across some duds, I've got a few on my list that I find to be pretty entertaining and special in their own rights.

1. Chelsea Lately

I began my love affair with late night comedy about four years ago, when my guilty pleasure E! shows were followed up by Chelsea's loud, harsh pop culture commentary. She says what she thinks, she's not afraid of criticism, and she never ceases to shock everyone with her wit and Mormon/Jewish childhood stories.

2. Community

Another of my favorite E! shows was The Soup, a low-budget comedy in which Joel McHale pointed out the weirdest moments of reality television. The show was fun, but I thought it was a little awkward and seemed to be missing something. Thankfully, Joel McHale that something in the form of Community, a fun, quirky TV show he stars in that follows a mismatched study group at a community college. It's charming, light, amusing, ridiculous, and a perfect cast of characters.

3. Real Housewives of New York

In a previous post, I mentioned that I've been on a Beverly Hills kick, but New York has always been my favorite Housewives series. Coming from a New York family, I'm well familiar with their types and think the show is a hilarious mix of cattyness, glamour, and ridicule.

4. The Millionaire Matchmaker

What can I say about Patti? Sure, she can be pretty brutally honest to the point that's almost cruel, but she knows what she's doing and she's good at matching people up. Though it's sometimes frustrating when uncooperative clients clash with the stubborn matchmaker, there's nothing more heartwarming then watching a fun mixer lead to a successful date that ends in romantic bliss. My favorite match so far was that of Jordan Osher and Bernadette.

5. Modern Family

I started watching Modern Family a few months ago, and I'm completely hooked. It's clever, very true, and absolutely hilarious. I laugh at everyone's antics, I appreciate how the different relationships are portrayed, and I'm relieved at the lack of extreme drama and negativity.

6. Jersey Shore

Before you judge me, hear me out. I saw my first full episode a few days ago, and if I'm honest, I enjoyed it. It's so absolutely horrendous that it's impossible not to watch, and yet you can't help but find the cast surprisingly endearing. Plus, hearing them refer to each other as "The Situation" and "Snooks" is just too funny.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sick Day

Whether we're sick or upset, we all have those days when we just need to curl up on the couch. On these days, we need those small pleasures to make us smile. Here's what's been helping to cheer me up recently:

1) Urban Outfitters Bunny Slippers

2) Michael Buble station on Pandora.

3) Freshly Painted Nails

4) New York Magazine's Daily Intel blog.

5) The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, who I hold second to only the Real Housewives of New York.

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Just Because I'm Small Doesn't Mean I'll Do You No Harm"

This little boy says it all when it comes to kids with MILFs as parents:


The Cellular Dilemma

I really love my Blackberry. Affectionately called Dorota, I trust my berry to both keep me in touch and keep my life together, plus the scroll ball never fails to entertain me and I've found that Verizon always has service whilst my Dad's AT&T iPhone struggles to find more bars.

But now that Verizon and Apple have announced that the iPhone is FINALLY coming to Verizon, I actually have to make a deliberate choice between my beloved Blackberry and the tempting iPhone.

Team MyPhone: I've been playing with my Dad's iPhone, and I really do like it. It's organized very clearly, it functions well, and it's easy enough to type on once you get the hang of it, whereas the Blackberry is often a bit complicated and requires the restart every once in a while. Plus, my family is 100% an Apple family, so the iPhone fits perfectly.

Team Crackberry: I've definitely mastered mine over the past year and a half, and I love everything from BBM to it's concise and efficient organization to the ColorID app that allows me to customize the lights that flash for each person who contacts me. I prefer how Blackberries looks, the newer models are a lot less faulty, and the battery life is said to be a lot better than that of the iPhone. Not to mention that 98 percent of the people I've asked declare that I am a through and through berry girl.

But what's the verdict? iPhone or Blackberry?

Well, the good news is that my contract isn't up until July, so I've got five months to bounce back and forth until I make my ultimate decision! Until then, Dorota is all I need.

Nail Delights

There's nothing better than a fresh manicure. After recently kicking my nail biting habit, I've fallen in love with my newfound ability to paint my nails whatever and whenever I please.

Essie Mademoiselle and OPI Bubble Bath are my favorite delicate pink colors for daily wear.

Essie Lollipop is the ultimate red- it's a candy apple color that's a bold red, but still has sweet undertones of orange and pink.

Essie Bordeaux and OPI Bastille My Heart are perfect for the fall and winter.

Sephora by OPI Only Gold For Me and OPI Glitzerland are the metallics to complete every collection.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brrr, It's Cold Out!

Snow storms, much shivering, and two consecutive snow days later, I think we're all aware that we're definitely in the midst of a cold winter. Winter's never been my favorite time of year, both weather-wise and fashion-wise, but there are definitely some winter-friendly pieces that I've been loving this season. Here's what's keeping me warm:

1. Ear Muffs, Kate Spade
2. Knit Scarf, FredFlare
3. Natale Boot, Coach
4. Knit Hat, FredFlare
5. Mittens, Kate Spade
6. Sweater, BCBG
7. Leather Jacket, Nordstrom

In The Purse

I'm back, surprise! After being completely caught up in my life as a newly accepted college girl (woot!), I've sort of been lagging in the effort category. But I'm determined to try and get back into this, and am starting with a quick and easy 'in the purse'. Aaaand here we go.

1. My keys- On my keychain, I have Kate Spade fake keys from my sister, a Coach puppy from my Grandma, and a piece of jeweled coral that my cousin gave me to represent our summer trips to montauk. I sort of love them...not to mention that they help me drive or whatever.

2. My black wallet with a silver square clasp- It's a cheap little wallet that I bought from my sister when she was doing a charity fundraiser. It's completely overstuffed with coIns, but I love it to bits.

3. The black Chanel cardholder my parents got me for my birthday- Swoon worthy? No question. The only Chanel I will ever own? Unfortunately, most likely yes.

4. Nars lip gloss in sweet revenge- Soft, subtle color that lasts and goes well with any outfit.

5. iPod classic- Holds all of my music (and jakeandamir podcast) entertainment.

6. Dorota, my blackberry- Basically, my entire life is on that phone.

7. Seltzer- I prefer seltzer to water, soda, juice and basically any other beverage, so I always keep a bottle of seltzer in my bag, preferably unflavored Poland Spring.

8. Ray Bans- They're pink and purple. Enough said.

9. Hand cream- I'm the girl who takes the little gifties in hotel bathrooms, so I always have a mini bottle of hand cream in my purse. Let's be honest, no one likes the feel of having dry hands.

10. Moist towelettes- It's just practical. Ice cream's messy.

11. My planner- It's a cute illustrated Kate Spade one that my Nana got me for Chanukkah last year. It's a wonderful invention.

12. Plain red headband, hair elastics and bobby pins- You never know.

13. Tide To Go- Again, you never know.