1. Chelsea Lately

I began my love affair with late night comedy about four years ago, when my guilty pleasure E! shows were followed up by Chelsea's loud, harsh pop culture commentary. She says what she thinks, she's not afraid of criticism, and she never ceases to shock everyone with her wit and Mormon/Jewish childhood stories.
2. Community

Another of my favorite E! shows was The Soup, a low-budget comedy in which Joel McHale pointed out the weirdest moments of reality television. The show was fun, but I thought it was a little awkward and seemed to be missing something. Thankfully, Joel McHale that something in the form of Community, a fun, quirky TV show he stars in that follows a mismatched study group at a community college. It's charming, light, amusing, ridiculous, and a perfect cast of characters.
3. Real Housewives of New York

In a previous post, I mentioned that I've been on a Beverly Hills kick, but New York has always been my favorite Housewives series. Coming from a New York family, I'm well familiar with their types and think the show is a hilarious mix of cattyness, glamour, and ridicule.
4. The Millionaire Matchmaker

What can I say about Patti? Sure, she can be pretty brutally honest to the point that's almost cruel, but she knows what she's doing and she's good at matching people up. Though it's sometimes frustrating when uncooperative clients clash with the stubborn matchmaker, there's nothing more heartwarming then watching a fun mixer lead to a successful date that ends in romantic bliss. My favorite match so far was that of Jordan Osher and Bernadette.
5. Modern Family

I started watching Modern Family a few months ago, and I'm completely hooked. It's clever, very true, and absolutely hilarious. I laugh at everyone's antics, I appreciate how the different relationships are portrayed, and I'm relieved at the lack of extreme drama and negativity.
6. Jersey Shore

Before you judge me, hear me out. I saw my first full episode a few days ago, and if I'm honest, I enjoyed it. It's so absolutely horrendous that it's impossible not to watch, and yet you can't help but find the cast surprisingly endearing. Plus, hearing them refer to each other as "The Situation" and "Snooks" is just too funny.
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