Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In The Purse

I'm back, surprise! After being completely caught up in my life as a newly accepted college girl (woot!), I've sort of been lagging in the effort category. But I'm determined to try and get back into this, and am starting with a quick and easy 'in the purse'. Aaaand here we go.

1. My keys- On my keychain, I have Kate Spade fake keys from my sister, a Coach puppy from my Grandma, and a piece of jeweled coral that my cousin gave me to represent our summer trips to montauk. I sort of love them...not to mention that they help me drive or whatever.

2. My black wallet with a silver square clasp- It's a cheap little wallet that I bought from my sister when she was doing a charity fundraiser. It's completely overstuffed with coIns, but I love it to bits.

3. The black Chanel cardholder my parents got me for my birthday- Swoon worthy? No question. The only Chanel I will ever own? Unfortunately, most likely yes.

4. Nars lip gloss in sweet revenge- Soft, subtle color that lasts and goes well with any outfit.

5. iPod classic- Holds all of my music (and jakeandamir podcast) entertainment.

6. Dorota, my blackberry- Basically, my entire life is on that phone.

7. Seltzer- I prefer seltzer to water, soda, juice and basically any other beverage, so I always keep a bottle of seltzer in my bag, preferably unflavored Poland Spring.

8. Ray Bans- They're pink and purple. Enough said.

9. Hand cream- I'm the girl who takes the little gifties in hotel bathrooms, so I always have a mini bottle of hand cream in my purse. Let's be honest, no one likes the feel of having dry hands.

10. Moist towelettes- It's just practical. Ice cream's messy.

11. My planner- It's a cute illustrated Kate Spade one that my Nana got me for Chanukkah last year. It's a wonderful invention.

12. Plain red headband, hair elastics and bobby pins- You never know.

13. Tide To Go- Again, you never know.

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