Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union: Tweet Edition

While watching the State of the Union Address yesterday, I sort of went a little bit crazy tweeting (and retweeted) all of my reactions. I had so much to say, all of which I spit right out in 140 character lines, and since I wanted to do some sort of post about the Address, I decided it would be fun to do so through my tweet history. So here it is, an address through tweets.


watching/listening to the commentary on the SOTU seating arrangement situation is too funny.

to the obama PR team- stop tweeting for obama when we're watching him speak.

google and facebook? kay barack.

RT@NewYorker #SOTU live chat: Is [Boehner] clapping for anything?

looks like the theme tonight is american pride and stop outsourcing. i kinda like it, honestly. #stateoftheunion

obama: 1, airport security: 0

aaaaand here comes the obamacare talk we've all been waiting for! #stateoftheunion

aww, joke number two! way to joke about obamacare, obama!

the spattering of standing ovations makes them look like whack-a-mole #statoftheunion

whoa, from obamacare to deficit! conquering the biggies #SOTU

you can see them all pondering and doing the math in their head #sotu

@sconigman and [boehner's] skin color reminds me of the jersey shore right now

taking money from paris and britney and brangelina? i'm feeling it #SOTU

@sconigman i think [boehner's] having indigestion.

joke number three! looks like we have a stand-up comedian on our hands #SOTU

and here comes iraq! pans to the audience of military members and michelle's diamond earrings flash. #SOTU

focusing on what matters:

yay for START! #sotu

how did we go from "america above the world" to "save everyone else"? #sotu

whoever didn't applaud for the DADT plug should be punched in the face #sotu

almost a smile on boehner's face when obamsauce mentioned interparty fighting. i swear, i think i may have seen a flash of teeth #sotu

OPE! almost another smile! nice work, obaminator! #sotu

RT@NewYorker Steve Coll: That's The Onion Biden! Fist pump for Scranton. Out under the Camaro on a Saturday spraying the hose. #SOTU

RT@NewYorker Rebecca Mead: Forgive me, but I thought "Plan B" was the name of a contraceptive. Guess it wasn't trademarked. #SOTU

instead of applauding when obama finished, boehner straightened his outfit. #classymen #sotu

oooh, hilary's looking radiant in blue! #sotu

RT@StephenAtHome If Obama really believed the state of our union was strong, he would have proved it by karate chopping that podium in half.

mikulski comparing congressmen to noah's ark, i like it #sotu

the "tea party express"? nice description, bachmann. but you're still GOP #sotu


So, I clearly thought it was a good speech overall. Yes, Obama could have been much more specific, as it's not really kosher to say "We do big things" without any big ideas to back it up, and there were definitely some moments where he put his foot in his mouth. But it made everyone a little more optimistic that our government will unify and pull through, and you can't help but laugh at some of the Congressional antics.

Basically, Congress = High School + The Constitution

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