Lately, I've found myself thinking about what actually matters. Do we have to obsess over every small thing? And are things really worth all of the drama and misery?
I used to be the kind of person who got worked up over minor upsets unnecessarily, and who couldn't let anything go. But this past year, I've realized that there's really no use in all of that and, much to the enjoyment of a friend of mine who's been nagging me to chill out since forever, have learned how to pick my battles and drop irrelevant irks.
The problem is, people around me don't always see it the way I do. We all make mistakes and have disagreements with others, but I've found that many people tend to make mountains out of molehills?
I say that we stop this. We've got enough stress in our lives, the last thing we need is to add to that. So let's stop getting worked up over everything, and let ourselves relax! We shouldn't take everything so personally or internalize arguments we have with others, and shouldn't get so down all the time! Just take a deep breath, because the small bumps will pass and everything will go back to running smoothly.
And if all else fails, go check out the musical stylings of Rebecca Black.
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