Recently, I've been putting together a list of thing I want to do. Some- like clean out my closet (halfway there!) and reread the Harry Potter series (again)- have gone on a short term to-do list, but the rest have been accumulating into my small but growing bucket list.
Here's what I've got so far.
Travel the world.Considering that my only international expeditions have been to Canada, I think it's safe to say I've been missing out on traveling. I'd love to see the world and what is out there.
Eat shrimp cocktail (without eyeballs).I've never been able to stomach adventurous meats, and shrimp is one of the many goods that has always been on my off limits. Yet everyone says shrimp cocktail is so yummy, so I'd like to one day grow the guts to try some (without vomiting, preferably).
Take ballroom dance classes.Because the six dance classes I currently take just aren't enough. Salsa, tango, waltz, jitterbug, I want to learn it all.
Go on a road trip.I'd love to just get in a car and go on an impossibly long car ride to some fun location with a small group of friends. Family trips to New York don't count. Doesn't is seem like every adult you know has those fun stories about the crazy road trip they took during spring break of junior year?
Knit a pair of socks.I've always wanted to, but after I learned how to knit two years ago, the only thing I could do was create a basic scarf. I want to knit a full pair of fluffy, warm socks that I can proudly say are all mine.